Meet Bachelor of Creative Writing Lecturer Liana Hassim

Apr 24, 2023 | Learning Staff, News

AFDA Cape Town Bachelor of Creative Writing Lecturer Liana Hassim is a writer and director for film. She has a Bachelor degree in Drama and Performance and a Honours degree in Motion Picture Medium from AFDA. She began her love affair with film as an actor and then turned to writing and directing.

She directed a number of short films and documentaries, including Amandiya, GRACIE and Behind the Monologue. These short films, went on to win numerous awards, including three Simon Sabelas for best Student film and a fourth Sabela for her documentary short, Behind the Monologue.

GRACIE also took home the award for Best Short Film at the Delhi International Film Festival. This International recognition and her fluency in Spanish, opened doors for her in Central America, where she directed her debut feature film, Sambo Creek, El Regreso de la Llorona, that was shot in Honduras. The film screened in cinemas across Central and Latin America and can be viewed on Amazon.

She is currently working on her second feature film.

“The Bachelor of Creative Writing focuses on the “art of words” in many different ways. Where previously, the focus was on screenplays, students now have the opportunity to branch into story writing, playwriting and commercial writing.

“It’s a great space to find your authentic voice as a writer in the South African landscape. You are writing, working and ultimately, networking with other young writers and filmmakers, who are also trying to find their own voices. It’s a supportive, inclusive space where students are able to share their writing and advise one another in valuable and critical ways, all while learning the technical skills of writing in the Creative Industry.

The focus is now on stories. The stories, that sit in our hearts, from our own lives and communities.” says Liana.


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