Higher Certificate in Performing Arts

1 year, full time, NQF LEVEL: 5 | SAQA ID: 111403

The AFDA Higher Certificate in Performing Arts is a 1-year foundation programme and, similar to the other Higher Certificate programme, serves a dual function.

The first of these is that it offers students access to degree-level education. Upon successful completion of an AFDA Higher Certificate programme, students are eligible to enrol for first year in any of the AFDA 3year degree courses, such as the BA in Motion Picture MediumBA in Live PerformanceCreative Writing or Bcom Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship degree programmes in the following academic year.  Please see the Entry Requirements page for more information on the necessary criteria for each of the AFDA programmes.

The second function of the Higher Certificate in Performing Arts is that it is an exit level qualification, enabling students to enter the entertainment industry in assist roles to key areas of production and backstage crew. The Higher Certificate in Performing Arts lays the foundation for students that are keen to gain technical experience & knowledge of the performance industry at an assistant level. This includes a focus on practical training, acting techniques and theatre production.

Total tuition fees for 2024:

R85 280


Higher Certificate in Performing Arts

The Performing Arts is a growing medium that can fulfil purposes of entertainment and/or education. In the informal sector, in particular, community theatre is becoming an increasingly relevant tool to engage with audiences, however must be achievable on minimal resources. This means that having dual skills as performing artist while also understanding all aspects of theatre-making, enable more opportunity to create theatre productions for a variety of audiences and exhibition platforms themselves. As technology continues to advance, it might be the only area where human beings stay relevant is within the creative industries.

The 1-year Higher Certificate in Performing Arts is project-led, with a focus on learning through experience. Students are assessed on how they are able to analyse and apply the knowledge they have by performing a prescribed text, as well as running a theatre production including stage props, costumes, sound, lighting and production administration. This way of learning helps students translate their conceptual understanding into practical skills, as well as socialize their learning through collaboration with their team members. This includes learning Performing Arts techniques, practicum, arts management (hosting and technical management) as well as academic development.

Course Structure

In the AFDA Higher Certificate in Performing Arts programme, there are 3 subjects and students are required to take all three.

1.  Basic Performance Skills (BPS):

Students learn and apply a number or foundational performance techniques that culminate in setting up short performance pieces, based on community and collective theatre practices using existing texts.


2.  Basic Assist Roles in Theatre (BART):

In Basic Assist Roles in Theatre students engage in practical training in theatre production assist roles including stage props, costumes, sound and light rigging and operation – with grounding in safety standards and theatre protocols – foundational elements of community theatre, theatre collectives, theatre business and management.


3. Critical thinking and writing (CTW)

Students enhance their general academic and computer literacies through research assignments and presentations on topics aligned to the content of the other two subjects.